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Details: KBC BONDS Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable

KBC BONDS Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable | Ordentliche Generalversammlung 2023

Ordentliche Generalversammlung: 20 December 2023, at 15.00 (local time)

Mittwoch, den 20. Dezember 2023 um 15:00 Uhr
Registered office
80 route d’Esch
L-1470 Luxembourg
Veröffentlicht auf EVI am 12.12.2023

KBC Bonds 

Société d’investissement à capital variable
Registered office: 
80, route d’Esch, L-1470 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 39.062
(the “Fund”)


The Board of Directors hereby invites you to a meeting to be held at 15.00 (local time) on 20 December 2023 at the registered office on 80 route d’Esch, L-1470 Luxembourg, for the purpose of considering and voting upon the following agenda (the “Agenda”):


  1. Acknowledgement of the Board of Directors’ report and of the independent auditor’s report for the period to 30 September 2023;
  2. Approval of the annual accounts as at 30 September 2023 and the allocation of the results;
  3. Acknowledgement of the interim dividends paid during the financial year;
  4. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors of the Fund with respect to the performance of their duties for the past financial year;
  5. Statutory appointments;
  6. Miscellaneous.

Resolutions on the Agenda of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be passed without a quorum by a simple majority of the votes validly cast at the Annual General Meeting, regardless of the portion of capital represented. Abstentions and nil votes shall not be taken into account. Each share is entitled to one vote. 

To vote by proxy, please complete, date and sign the proxy form which is available at and send it by email to The original should subsequently be mailed to: Corporate & Legal Administration, Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A, B.P. 403, L-2014, Luxembourg.

In order to be valid for this Annual General Meeting, the voting or proxy form should be received by midday (noon) on 19 December 2023. All Shareholders on record at close of business on 18 December 2023 are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and at any adjournments thereof. 

Copies of the audited annual accounts of the Fund may be obtained free of charge by any shareholder upon request at the registered office of the Fund via email to

According to article 461-6 the Luxembourg Commercial Company Law of 10 August 1915, as amended on 10 August 2016, each Shareholder is entitled to obtain free of charge, upon request and against evidence of his title, eight days before the Annual General Meeting a copy of the Financial Statements, together with the Audited Annual Report. The prospectus, the key information document and the most recent financial reports will be made available free of charge at the counters of the financial services providers, in particular KBC BANK NV, and at In Austria, these documents will be available free of charge from Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG, Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors